Oto wszystkie moje OC: na środku Shios, na lewo od niej ShiCat, w lewym dolnym rogu Dau (kucyk-robot), na dole Strimler (ponysona), w prawym górnym rogu Shaico Dazino (wilk), w lewym górnym rogu Nezumi Uchiy (kot), na prawo od niej Leikkaus, a na prawo od Shios - Rainbow Dark (OC Rainow Factory).
This are all my OCs: at the middle of picture there is Shios, the left of her there is ShiCat, at bottom left corner there is Dau (pony-robot), at bottom there is Strimler (me as a pony), at upper right corner there is Shaico Dazino (wolf), at upper left corner there is Nezumi Uchiy (cat), next to her there is Leikkaus and the right of Shios there iS Rainbow Dark (OC Rainbow Factory).
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